Paranormal Phenomena

What is a paranormal phenomena?

What does "paranormal" mean?

What are the different types of paranormal phenomena?

What types of paranormal Activity can you get?

Most people or a good lump all paranormal teams into in the UK or US use the term “ghost”. While this is fine, there are differences and most paranormal investigators will split the paranormal into the following categories:
Ghost – An image or sound that is comparable to an audio or video recording. A ghost is simply the residual energy of a person or animal. There is no intelligence within the energy – it’s a recording that replays over and over. The energy may diminish in time but can actually recharge itself.
Spirit – A spirit is the soul or a person or animal which has remained in this world after the death of the body.
Poltergeist – Paranormal activity centred around one individual (usually a pubescent child – but can center on adults who are going through a great deal of stress).
Entities – This paranormal activity is associated with beings that have never been human at any time. The entities can be good (angels) or evil (demons). Most people confuse the intentions of a spirit to communicate as a demon. Entities are very uncommon however there is a few that will use this term losely and add it to there storys as if a normal ghost. Entities are few and fare between and in all the 20 years I have research these different types of activity I have only ever come across two accounts of documented cases. Its seems there are more common in the USA than here in the UK.
Types of Hauntings
What defines a haunting? Like snowflakes, no two hauntings are exactly the same. Most people associate a haunting with an appearance of a full-body apparition. In reality, the appearance of an apparition is rare. Hauntings can occur at any time (not just at night) or for periods as short as a few days to as long as millennia. Hauntings can occur on a certain date, a certain time, or a certain anniversary. Hauntings can happen during ideal paranormal weather conditions or for no reason whatsoever.
Hauntings usually involve most of our senses – sight, sound, smell, and touch. Thank God there is no taste – that we know of. Most common are noises including footsteps, period music, strange sounds, voices, and knocking. Hauntings can be felt as an unusual cold or hot spot, a touch, unexplained breezes, or a strange static. Hauntings may involve a strange odor – such as cigar smoke or perfume – anything associated with the person that was alive.
Hauntings can also affect your emotions and give you a sense of hopelessness, dread, or unexplained anger. Some may involve happier or benign feelings. Hauntings can be split into different categories - intelligent hauntings, residual hauntings, poltergeists, and entity.

This is the most discussed type of haunting, but in reality does not occur as often as people think. This type of haunting is called “intelligent” because the spirit is aware of its surroundings, is aware of you, and often will interact with the living. The spirit involved has a connection, either through the property or the people who inhabit or work at that property. Or a spirit decides to take residence at a particular location. A spirit can think, reason, feel, and act.
There are several reasons as to why spirits stay behind. Most are usually associated with tragic events, but some just choose to stay behind.
  • Unfinished Business - A spirit may stay behind if there is unfinished business to attend to at the time of their death. There is really no “convenient” time to die for many of us. Unfulfilled goals or the need/want to take care of a loved one or property may anchor the spirit to this world. A spirit in this condition will remain for as long as that business is unfinished. If this spirit tries to communicate with you and fails to gain your attention, the activity becomes more numerous and more intense until attention is received. This is the basis of the confusion between an evil entity and a spirit trying to communicate. In order to remove this type of haunting, one must discover what the unfinished business is, and help complete that task or convince the spirit that everything is okay. A simpler method is to try to convince the spirit that the task at hand is not as important as moving on.
  • Confusion - The spirit does not realize that they are dead. In cases of sudden and tragic deaths the spirit is confused as to what is going on. If this is the case, once the spirit has realized that they are dead, they typically move on. The good news, this is the easiest haunting to end.
  • Need to say farewell -The spirit attempts to say goodbye to loved ones. This is the most common and short in duration. People who are open-minded to the paranormal are most likely to experience this phenomenon. Most visitations occur when people are asleep, but can occur during full consciousness. Most non-believers will dismiss this activity as a dream; however, most instances occur when people do not know that the visitor has died.
  • Need to help a loved one - The spirit wishes to consul or help a loved one. This most often occurs when people are experiences a particularly troubling time in one’s life. Most visitations occur to those that are asleep because of the ease of communication. The interesting thing about this type of haunt is that it can not be dismissed as just a dream because information is usually passed down that the receiver has no knowledge of. In most cases, the spirit will do what it can to confirm that it is in fact, them. Many times a phantom scent is present – be it smoke, perfume, or another scent associated with the spirit. This scent is usually strong enough to wake you and can remain for several minutes.
  • Fear of judgment - If a person lived a life that they feel may jeopardize their entry into Heaven, they are less likely to move on. It can be very difficult to convince this spirit to move on as fear is a strong motivator to those that are living and to the dead.
Intelligent hauntings can be unnerving to some, since these spirits can interact with the living. However, it is important to remember that these spirits were at one time human beings like you and I. They had family, jobs, hopes, dreams, and concerns. They typically maintain their personalities they had when they were alive. Kind, warm people turn into benevolent spirits. Angry or bitter people turn into troublesome spirits. It is important to note that these so-called troublesome spirits will rarely cause injuries to the living. Most injuries to the living are the result of careless fleeing because of fright. However caution is recommended with the real cranky ones! There are even spirits that can be a little mischievous for their amusement.
Most people associate intelligent hauntings as one that has evil or bad intentions. In fact, most intelligent hauntings are seeking just one thing – attention. They do what they can to get your attention – they open and close doors, move things, turn electronics on and off, try touching you, and make noise. Their intention is often misunderstood, most are not trying to scare you, but get your attention.
In order for an intelligent haunting to cease, one must convince a spirit that it is time to move on. But not all spirits will want to leave and they may not be convinced to move on.
The residual haunting is the most common paranormal activity. The residual haunting is energy from the past trapped in time. It’s basically similar to a recording that is played over and over again. Events in the past can leave an imprint that can be released at random or at specific times.
Residual hauntings can be visual, auditory, or olfactory in nature. Residual hauntings differs from intelligent hauntings as the ghost is not aware of the living around them and can not interact with them. Windows and doors can open, and items can move, but they do so because of the energy and not by an intelligent spirit.
Residual energy can be imprinted on items as well as structures. A large number of new hauntings can be attributed to the purchase/acquisition of used items and antiques. You just may be bringing home a residual with your purchase of an antique!
Again, there is no definite answer on how residual hauntings occur. There are as many theories as there are paranormal investigators. The idea of imprinted energy is baffling to many. Remember, no one can call themselves a paranormal expert; the paranormal has no scientific explanation as of today. Theories include the presence of limestone to the conductivity of water. Thunderstorms generally provide energy for residuals to manifest.
Residual hauntings gradually fade over time, however, that time can be lengthy, and the energy can be recharged. Since this is an imprint of energy, there is no way to convince the residual energy to stop. Residual hauntings can be very unnerving since the image or recording displayed is usually a moment of extreme agony or sorrow, or death.
Poltergeist is German for “noisy ghost”. This term may be misleading because spirits and ghosts can be “noisy”. What distinguishes a poltergeist is that the activity is centered on one particular person called the epicenter. The epicenter has long been said to be adolescents going through puberty, typically girls, or adolescents going through a great deal of emotional distress. However, recent studies indicate that adults can be the epicenter.
Most adolescent epicenters are generally quiet individuals that are often loners. They usually have an average to above-average intelligence level. Most researchers see a pattern in which the epicenter is battling psychological effects from physical or mental abuse, neglect, molestation, bullying, among other causes. It is theorize that the epicenters pleas for help are ignored – either willful or unintentionally – and the epicenter begins to hold intense emotions inside.

After the “tipping point” has been reached, the epicenter subconsciously lashes out to release emotion. This release can be so intense and concentrated that a poltergeist can form. Poltergeists have an intelligence aspect to them. Whether or not they are actual spirits feeding on negative energy or are caused by kinetic energy is hotly debated among the field. It is our opinion that both can occur, but most cases involve kinetic energy by the epicenter. Some spirits may be able to feed into this negative energy and become poltergeist-like entities.
Knocking and rappings are common in poltergeist cases, and at first there is no rhyme or reason. After some time, a form of communication can develop with the knockings. The most common – and troubling – aspect of a poltergeist is the movement of objects on their own. In the beginning, items simply disappear and are found in odd places. As the poltergeists grow in intensity, movements grow stronger as well. Heavy furniture, appliances, and other items can be quickly moved. If the poltergeist continues to grow, objects can be thrown towards the epicenter or anyone else. This is where activity becomes dangerous – but luckily is rare. Most times any risk is to the epicenter themselves.
If activities such as those above only occur when a particular person is present, it is most likely a poltergeist activity. An easy way to diagnose the problem is to see if activity ceases once a suspected epicenter is removed from the location.
Poltergeist activity can last from weeks to a few years. Most of the time, it is short in duration. Once activity diminishes and ends it typically does not reoccur. If one suspects a person in the household is an epicenter, please make sure they receive appropriate help to ease the underlying problems that created this situation. Most epicenters do not know they are the cause of the activity.
Poltergeist activity was never really though to occur in older adults, however, recent investigations in the field have found poltergeist activity where the epicenter is 40, 60, and even older. In some cases, repressed memories can cause activity. Even energy within a certain household, such as financial and marital problems can create enough energy where activity begins. There is even a famous case in Connecticut that had neighboring homes affected because of negative energy within adjacent properties.
This is by far the rarest type of haunting. These entities were never a human form. One of the distinguishing characteristics that you are dealing with an entity is an overwhelming sense of good or evil. It is highly recommended that you listen to your gut feeling on this one!
Angelic entities are messengers or protectors. Generally, other people do not see this entity, only the one who is meant to see or hear it. Upon the presence of an angelic entity there is a very strong feeling of well-being and peace. These are encountered during near-death experiences or times of very severe distress. People who usually experience this phenomenon experience a massive lifestyle change and become deeply religious.
Demonic entities, thankfully, are not all that common. Demons enter an area only if they are invited in. This invitation does not have to be intentional. The most common invitation is through divination without training. One common cause – the Ouija Board! Destroy it and throw it out!
While the board is just a piece of cardboard, the action of inviting spirits to communicate may not be without risk. The demonic entity will target someone with a weak psyche and slowly gain the trust of that individual. The entity can answer basic questions and even seem helpful in order to gain trust. The more the user utilizes the board, the higher the odds the entity can enter to cause trouble. It’s not just Ouija Boards, its other types of divination.
Once a demonic entity enters, it is very difficult and extremely dangerous to send packing. If you attempt to contact spirits, you can be opening a vortex for bad spirits as well. In general do not practice divinity - which includes séances and Ouija boards!


Ouija boards, Are NOT a toys, There NOT a games!!!!

















  1. 2012 - A mystical year in which the world is thought to end
  2. Aliens – Beings from other planets
  3. Angels – Heavenly guardians providing guidance and/or protection
  4. Cryptids – Legendary or mythical creatures believed to exist though proof is limited
  5. Cryptozoology – The study of cryptids
  6. Demons – Fallen angels aka servants of Lucifer thought to torment and possess people
  7. Oppression – Demon harassment, sometimes confused with depression symptoms
  8. Druids – Extinct religion some believe took part in human sacrifice though no proof exists
  9. Edgar Cayce – Prolific 20th Century psychic who performed readings while in a trance
  10. Elementals – Spirits that were never human; have no stake in humanity’s continued existence or demise
  11. EMF Detectors – Detects disruptions in the electromagnetic field thought to signal the presence of ghosts
  12. Ghosts – Spirits of humans that inhabit the earth after death; often unaware they’re dead
  13. Ghost Hunting – The practice of looking for ghosts
  14. Incubus – Male spirit that has sex with humans
  15. Location Haunting – Paranormal activity tied to a specific location
  16. Mayan Calendar – Extremely accurate calendar created by the ancient Mayans; ends December 21, 2012
  17. Nostradamus – 16th Century French prophet and apothecary
  18. Orbs – Balls of light that only show up on camera; possible manifestation of ghost energy on film
  19. Parapsychology – Pseudoscience studying the paranormal
  20. Personal Haunting – Paranormal activity tied to an individual or group of people
  21. Poe Toaster – Unknown individual who places a bottle of cognac on the grave of Edgar Allan Poe each year on his birthday
  22. Poltergeists – Another name for the spirit present during a violent haunting
  23. Possession – When a spirit or entity takes control of a person without their permission
  24. Succubus – Female spirit that has sex with humans
  25. U.F.O. – Unidentified flying objects; flying saucers
  26. U.S.O. – Unidentified submerged objects; seen underwater
  27. Vampires – Human hybrids that feed on human blood for survival
  28. Werewolves – Humans who turn into wolves during a full moon
  29. Zombies – Undead humans that survive by eating the flesh and/or brains of the living

Metaphysical and Psychics

  1. 3:33 – Time of metaphysical important; positive in the pm, dark in the am
  2. Afterlife – Believed existence after physical death where the soul lives on
  3. Akashic Records – Collective consciousness storing all records and information in time
  4. Ascended Masters – Evolved spiritual teachers and guides including Jesus, Krishna and Isis
  5. Astral Projection – The ability to visit faraway places through mind travel
  6. Astrology – Predicting the future and receiving guidance using zodiac signs and planetary positions
  7. Aura – The energy field surrounding all life; color provides information about individual
  8. Chakras – Energy centers in the body, each with a specific aura color
  9. Channeling – The process of obtaining information from spirits or letting them speak through you
  10. Clairaudience – Ability to hear psychic messages others cannot
  11. Clairsentience – Ability to receive psychic messages by touch
  12. Clairvoyance – Ability to receive psychic messages through visions
  13. Crystals – Possess metaphysical properties to assist individuals in their psychic development
  14. Deja Vu – Feeling of having seen, heard or lived a particular moment before
  15. Dimensions – Planes of existence bound by different rules
  16. Empaths – Individuals who experience the emotions of others, often experience physical pain as a result
  17. Energy Worker – One who can manipulate energy to heal ailments
  18. Equinox – Occurs twice a year; day and night are equal in length
  19. Familiars – Spirits in the form of animals that guide witches in their development
  20. Fate – The concept that all things happen for a reason; there are no accidents
  21. Full Moon – Occurs every 28 days; time when all of the moon is lit and visible
  22. Illusion – Making someone see what is not there
  23. Karma – Collected consequences – good and bad – of all actions through multiple lives
  24. Kirlian Photography – High voltage photography that captures the aura on film
  25. Malachite – Powerful green crystal toxic in rough form; useful in meditation
  26. New Moon – Occurs every 28 days; time when none of the moon is lit or visible with the naked eye
  27. Numerology – Practice of using numbers to tell the future and receive guidance
  28. Palm Reading – Divining information about the future from the lines on your hand
  29. Paranormal Investigation – Event to gather information and prove/disprove paranormal phenomena
  30. Past Lives – Former incarnations of a living individual; may be human or animal in nature
  31. Premonition – Receiving psychic information about what’s going to happen before it happens
  32. Psychic Shielding – The process of fortifying your aura for protection
  33. Psychic – Individual with abilities to receive information they could otherwise not know
  34. Quartz Crystal – Powerful crystal; used to give, receive and store energy
  35. Reincarnation – The process by which the soul is reborn into a new body after physical death
  36. Seance – Ritual used to communicate with the dead
  37. Smudging – The process of using burning sage to clear the energy of an individual or space
  38. Solstice – Occurs twice per year; the longest and shortest days of the year
  39. Spirit Guide – Entity that assists with your metaphysical journey
  40. Tarot – Use of cards to provide guidance to questions
  41. Telekinesis – The ability to move objects with the mind
  42. Telepathy – The ability to read minds

Paranormal Places

  1. Agarta – Mystical civilization located near the center of the earth
  2. Atlantis – Technologically advanced civilization that sank to the bottom of the ocean after catastrophe
  3. Bermuda Triangle – Part of the Atlantic Ocean famous for UFO sightings and disappearances
  4. Dragon’s Triangle – Area of paranormal activity and disappearances in the Pacific Ocean
  5. Great Pyramid – Believed to harness great power when the capstone is in place; located in Egypt
  6. Hollow Earth – Belief that the earth is hollow and inhabited by other species
  7. Stonehenge – Mysterious stone circle in Scotland rumored to be a paranormal hotbed of activity


  1. 13 – Believed to be the universally unlucky number, particularly when it falls on Friday
  2. Black Cat – Unlucky when a strange one crosses your path; lucky when one chooses to live with you
  3. Death Dreams – Thought to either warn of impending physical or symbolic death
  4. Halloween – Dressing in costumes on this night keeps away malicious spirits
  5. Ladders – Walking under one brings bad luck because it breaks the symbolic Trinity
  6. Mirrors – A broken mirror brings seven years bad luck
  7. Salt – Use your right hand to toss it over your left shoulder when you spill it to ward off the devil
  8. Weddings – The groom should not see the bride’s dress prior to the wedding

Television, Movies and Books

  1. Angel – TV; A vampire with a soul fights dark forces to regain his humanity
  2. Blade – A daywalking half-breed vampire fights other vampires
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer – TV; A teenage girl must hunt vampires and save the world
  4. Charmed – TV; Three sisters learn they’re witches and fight evil forces
  5. Daybreakers – Movie; A vampire society farms humans for their blood
  6. Fallen – Movie; Denzel Washington hunted a demon serial that could jump bodies
  7. Fringe – TV; An elite FBI unit investigates paranormal crimes and phenomena
  8. Interview with the Vampire – Movie/Book; A vampire shares his life story with a reporter
  9. Medium – TV; A psychic helps the police solve crimes
  10. Paranormal State – TV; Cases of the Paranormal Research Society at Penn State University
  11. Psyche – TV; A fake psychic pretends to use his gifts to help the police solve crimes
  12. Supernatural – TV; The Winchester brothers travel the country to hunt demons
  13. True Blood – TV; Vampires “come out of the coffin” and drink synthetic blood
  14. Twilight – Movie/Book; Vampire series featuring the Cullen family and Bella Swan
  15. Underworld – Movie; Vampires known as death dealers hunt lycans aka werewolves

Best Ghost Pictures Ever Taken

Railroad Crossing Ghost

Specter of Newby Church

The Brown Lady
    Lord Combermere's ghost
    Freddy Jackson

    Tulip Staircase Ghost

    The Back Seat Ghost

    The Ghost of Boothill Cemetery

    Ghost in the Burning Building

    Madonna of Bachelor's Grove

    Railroad Crossing Ghost

    Choir Loft Ghost

    Vacation Party Ghost

    Godfather's Pizza Ghost

    Decebal Hotel Ghost

    The Pink Lady of Greencastle picture

    White Lady of Worstead Church

    Electric Chair Ghost picture

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