Readers Storys

Storys taken from my NEW book

o        Hey Shaun,

This happened when I was 12 years old, October of 1977.

I use to spend most of my time walking or camping out in the woods behind our house. Once you got down there, back then you could just about walk an entire day before you came to a road or much less a house. Anyway, my parents had been trying to put in a swimming pool right below our house and the rain that year had pretty much stopped the work being done on it. I had been digging around in a pile of dirt that had been dug out of the pool and I had found some pottery shards ( Native American pottery ), but since it was getting late I had to stop digging but I was going to go back the next day and look some more. Well, it rained like crazy that night so I had to wait about 4-5 more days before you could walk in that mess, we have really nasty, sticky red clay down here. I got up that morning and the sun was just starting to rise, got dressed and ran down the hill. Most of the pile of dirt I had been digging through had washed back over the side of the pool but over the weeks the dirt and mud had made a sort of ring around the inside of the pool right in front of the concrete blocks making up the wall. I thought shoot, I will just walk around on the inside of the pool on the dirt ring and get over to where the dirt had washed over and find some really cool stuff that way but I had to be careful because the pool also had about 3 1/2ft. of water in the deep end.

When I made my way over there I started digging around and I found some more shards about 20 minutes later but before I could pick them out of he dirt all of a sudden my arms just shot straight up in front of and over my head and I started to feel myself fall backwards. All I could think about was Ewww I'm going to fall in that cold, nasty, muddy water. Well... the next thing I know I standing there straight as a board and my arms are down at my sides. I am completely clean, no mud what so ever except for the bottoms of my shoes and it's getting dark because the sun has almost gone down. I was a little freaked out so I turned and ran back up the hill and found my Mom standing out in the yard. She was very upset and told me that she had been calling for me for well over an hour and was just about to walk down to the woods to see if something had happened to me because I never answered her. I told her what had happened and she freaked out and made me strip down once we got into the house, she thought that maybe I had been bitten by a snake or a spider and wanted to check me out which she did. She went through my hair and all the way down to my toes but didn't find any marks. For the next week or so she was very freaky about letting me go back outside and even when I did I had to stay right there next to the house.

In December of that same year my Dad got me a motorcycle for Christmas and we had a very large circular driveway so I rode the hell out of the motorcycle around the driveway. Well about a week after Christmas I was outside and I had gotten dark but I was still riding. I noticed that it was getting light over the neighbours pine trees to my left but on my next circle around I realised that the colour of the light looked weird, it wasn't right. This colour was a very light green colour. I had slowed down a bit and then the next thing I see is this thing moving toward my yard right over the trees ( if it had dropped down another foot it would have been brushing the tree tops ). It moved so slow and was in a triangle shape and had this weird greenish glow all over the underside of it and it was so damn big if you had put it down on top of a football field it would have covered the entire thing. I jumped off the motorcycle, it went one way and I went the other and I ran up to one of our pecan trees and wrapped my arms around it for dear life as this thing passed over. It made no sound what so ever. A car was coming down the highway and all I could hear were the tires screaching and the car sliding trying to stop because the thing was over it too. When it finally passed over my yard I looked all over the place and made a run for it into the house. Mom said I looked white as a sheet and asked what was wrong and I told her what had happened and she ran outside to look but didn't see anything out there. She made me some cocoa and I told her everything and she told me that she didn't want me going back outside for a while except for going to school and back which I had no augment about after that.

Shaun I have one more part of this but I'm going to send it to you in another section if you don't mind. Be just a minute but I think this has a lot to do with this stuff and it happened years later after this stuff.This is the next part and I do think it connected somehow but I've never been able to figure it out.

Around 1993 I was engaged and my boyfriend bought a house for us to live in so we would go over there as much as we could to do work on it. I got there one evening and was wearing a short sleeved shirt and as I walked in he was standing to my left and he grabbed my arm and said what in the world did you do to your arm? I looked down right below my shoulder and I sadi Oh, I don't know, it just looks like a small pimple or maybe even a small boil trying to come up. He said no, I don't think so, so he took his thumbs and started to squeeze it. It hurt like hell! and I told him if he didn't stop I was going to knock him out LOL. He told me just hang on a sec. I did and I was still fussing and then all of a sudden he said WHAT THE HELL?? I looked down and something had popped through that looked about the diameter of a pencil lead. Cliff grabbed it and slowly pulled it out but that didn't hurt at all. It was abot 3/4 of an inch long and was the color of a pencil lead but I was like metal. He had it laying in the palm of his hand rolling it around and I said let me see that. As he tilted his hand over to let it roll into my palm it landed there but immediately it just crumbled into dust and was GONE. There was NOTHING in my hand. I think we both jumped backward at the same time and yelled WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? We were both dumbstruck over it. I have never seen anything like that in my life.

You can read more in my NEW book,Searching For Lost Souls, OUT 2013 E-Book Price £8.99

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