Friday, 3 February 2012

Team Members WANTED!

Well time had come to truly sit down and decide what is best for the team and where we want to go from here. What direction the future holds for us all as a top northeast team. I have always knew that some members can't and would not give me and the other team members 100 percent when doing investigations. So today I am going to change how we conduct our investigations and research. See as you all know research is a key factor in any investigation and sadly few of my team members tend to forget this. So sadly I am letting them go!

I have always given 110 percent to Team Underwood and Teesside research into paranormal activity (T.R.I.P.A UK). So the new task starts in finding NEW members as from today.

So if your based in the North east England and would like to become part one of the top paranormal investigations team and most inportent, you can work part of a team then please feel free to drop me a line to arrange an interview.

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